Midpoints Report is an excellent tool for students of astrology who are interested in learning about the meanings of midpoints in their own natal charts.
The Midpoints Report offers the following:
- Lists of midpoint pictures in the natal chart
- Interpretations of midpoint pictures (such as Saturn=Venus/Neptune) in the natal chart
- Active midpoints – Midpoints activated by outer planet transit, secondary progression, and solar arc direction for the next 6 months.
To order, please include Name, date of birth Month/Day/Year format or spell out the month (example, March rather than 03 for clarity), place of birth, city, state/country of birth, and time of birth if known, example 7:22 PM. If unknown, please type “unknown" and current location.
Midpoints Report
- In this shop area of the site, you’ll find a variety of computer reports by various authors/astrologers. These computer reports are high-quality and low-priced.
We offer computerized astrology reports at low prices because we want them to be accessible to our readers. Also, we are not set up to deliver reports instantly online. We manually process the reports and send the reports via email attachments. As such, buyers will wait a little longer (up to 24 hours), but they pay comparatively less for quality reports.